Friday, February 29, 2008

I've resigned.

No more security for me, no guaranteed monthly pay check!

My last day is the 6th of March, Shavedlegs opens for business on the 7th March and a new chapter in my life begins.

It is all very exciting, but you wouldn't believe the worry. My self designed frames should arrive next week, one Road and one Time Trial/Tri, fingers crossed they should be among the fastest bikes out there. I'm hoping to shod them with my own wheels too.

I'm now looking for events at which to promote my wares and of course training so as to do the new frames justice.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Looks like I'm going to do it

The e-commerce site may well open at the end of the week. Everything is ready, including the possibility of my own brand of frames. I just need to jump here, a big decision with two kids and mortgage. Let me think..

1st puncture and 1st crash of the year

Managed to get my first puncture, well actually I'd worn the tyre right through with my base miles. Unfortunately I fitted an Armidillo tyre as a replacement which is virtually a slick and pumped it up to 110psi.
All was fine until I was sweeping majestically around the Elephant Castle roundabout. The back slid out like I was on ice and I hit the concrete hard. Luckily there was no car immediately behind me. I escaped with some nice bruises and the inevitable road rash which so far I have managed to keep hidden from my nearest and dearest to prevent any questioning.
I have to say a big thanks to the guys at Met for producing quality helmets, if my head looked like my helmet does I wouldn't be writing this.

Biting off more than I can chew

I'm in. I have entered the Wally Gimber Primavera, drawn by the idea of all the points on offer and elevating myself to 2nd Cat with just one win. Only now I've seen the starting line up, which reads like a who's who in domestic cycling do I realise that 2nd Cat looks a long way away. So the plan is not to get dropped, may be if I mention it is my birthday on the day they'll go easy.