Monday, May 26, 2008

The Battle of the Bulge begins.

Okay, I know I'm not obese but in terms of cycling and where I have been before, I'm tipping the scales in the wrong direction. It's down to a combination of things, I no longer have a commute, the weather has been awful, and my daughter insisted on buying a tub of Nutella. Damn that stuff is nice.

The Smithfield Nocturne is less than two weeks away, and I really need to perform there, but I know it is going to be a hard race and my confidence is low. I should be thinking of bagging some points but at present I'm scared of being lapped.
My training regime is mapped out, nothing but high intensity intervals. I have no choice given the timescale, but these are hard, not just physically but mentally.

The will power required to do that last repetition when your heart rate is through the roof and your legs are burning can be too much. Still, it is easier than watching Britain has Talent.

I have actually just done the first of my sessions (it is now 11.34pm). I may skip the turbo tomorrow in favour of the Crystal Palace Crit, which will also give me a chance to get used to the new Oberon bike.

On the business front, the orders are coming in and I think being processed efficently. I've even delivered a few on the same day. But the advertising costs and other expenses mean a decent income is still some way off. I'm thinking of starting a mobile bike maintenance service for London, I have these ideas but making them a reality can be difficult. We'll see.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oberon Party

Forgot to do this post, so it is from some time ago now and okay it wasn't really a party.

I introduced some friends to the Oberons. I know from the pictures it appears there is only 2 people there including me but that really wasn't the case.

(Yes that is my van)

Pat practices with the Champagne should Smithfield Nocturne go to plan.

Me and the invisible man!

Too much of a good thing.

Apparently you can have too much of a good thing, so the Shavedlegs Team took it upon themselves to havesome dissappointing results.

I'd been looking forward to the Hillingdon GP, once I'd remembered I had entered it (why don't more organisers send an e-mail?). I had a cunning plan formulated in my mind; relax for 51 laps then solo break the last 5 to a surprise victory. And I would have been surprised, but I thought one or two laps out in front would get the shavedlegs name mentioned to the crowd of 6 or 7 spectators.

I was racing on the Oberon for the first time, a brave move since it has only been ridden 100 yards before. Right from the start I was in trouble, the bike didn't want to turn. Okay for the long corners, although I immediately slipped from mid field to last by taking the widest line as everyone else hugged the apex. But I was terrified hurtling down the hill at 30+mph determined not to be dropped towards the right hand bend. I made it using all the track possible. There was no way I could ride in the bunch using a different line to everyone else so I had to accept after 3 laps of letting the pack get away through the bends and chasing like made down the straight to call it a day.

The only relief came when I discovered the handling issue was due to the bearing in my rear hub and nothing with the bike or my servicing skills.

Not a wasted afternoon for the team as Patrick managed 5th and bagged an astonishing £40 in the 3/4 Cat race. I've never won that much for winning!

Brimming with confidence Patrick entered Crystal Palace on Tuesday. I had planned to go, but as usual family life had come first, so I was told.

Pat 'survived' only 4 laps I believe before pulling out for fear his heart was going to explode. Not a good sign for the Smithfield Nocturne where the tactic is to lead all the way and really get Shavedlegs noticed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A race against time.

Well, enough fun designing bikes. I need to train.
With the new business taking up so much time, not to mention the children, I've been off the bike for 3 weeks now. Not much of a worry until now as I've just realsed the Smithfield Nocturne is on the horizon. A brief chat with Patrick has got me scared.

Apparently only 12 riders from 60 starters finished last year due to the pace and crashes. Suddenly the forced 9 week taper seems a very bad idea, even if I haven't piled on the weight (well a little).
I'm going to have to use the turbo once the family have gone to bed. It's a mixed blessing, riding on the spot isn't want got me into cycling, especially with the nice weather I'll be frustrated but on the other hand it forces me to do intervals suitable for a criterium such as Smithfield. It's the sort of training I hate as it is very intense, requires a lot of motivation and will power and I can't measure my performance. You can't always train your strengths I suppose.
Oh for a morning in Richmond Park.