Thursday, May 8, 2008

A race against time.

Well, enough fun designing bikes. I need to train.
With the new business taking up so much time, not to mention the children, I've been off the bike for 3 weeks now. Not much of a worry until now as I've just realsed the Smithfield Nocturne is on the horizon. A brief chat with Patrick has got me scared.

Apparently only 12 riders from 60 starters finished last year due to the pace and crashes. Suddenly the forced 9 week taper seems a very bad idea, even if I haven't piled on the weight (well a little).
I'm going to have to use the turbo once the family have gone to bed. It's a mixed blessing, riding on the spot isn't want got me into cycling, especially with the nice weather I'll be frustrated but on the other hand it forces me to do intervals suitable for a criterium such as Smithfield. It's the sort of training I hate as it is very intense, requires a lot of motivation and will power and I can't measure my performance. You can't always train your strengths I suppose.
Oh for a morning in Richmond Park.


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