Wednesday, December 5, 2007

For once in my life

For the first time in my life I think I did something to the best of my ability. I won't say potential because I believe I could be better if I had more time to train, but I showed like never before what I was capable of.

It was a windy day at Hillingdon and I spent the first 5 laps or so at the rear of the bunch reminding myself of the cicuit. The head wind down the back straight was enough to slow the peloton down so a few people tried to break but never getting very far. I got in a break with Jason Streather and Bill Butterworth amongst others and genuinely thought we had a chance, but after several laps we were caught. I guess sometimes a group doesn't synergise.

Pat and I had a plan to break on 59 minutes, the race being 1 hour plus 5 laps. I wanted to put the plan into action even though Pat wasn't with me but I was worried I'd done too much work, so I rested in the pack.

While I was holding back in the middle of the bunch three riders went clear.

As the clock rolled on I recovered and found myself in the ideal position going up the hill to make the break.

A 1st Cat went of the front ahead of me, but he was in a different race as far BC points are concerned.

I did nothing dramatic, stayed seated but accelerated, I had a good gap by the crest of the hill and powered down the back straight catching the 1st Cat. I was happy for him to hold my wheel as if I tired he could take a turn.

The gap had grown by the end of the first lap and I'd dropped the 1st Cat. I was on my own, just like at Chertsey. I made sure to power up the hill and ride a steady pace into the wind on the back straight. 3 laps to go and I'm still holding them off, I concentrated on keeping the motor going, no moments of relaxing. 2 laps to go and I'm begining to believe. My pace on the back straight had dropped a little but I was stilling holdong off the bunch. 1 lap to go and I knew I'd made, just don't relax too much. Up the hill at full power and across the line, I was a winner in my Cat and 4th overall.

I'd done it in style.


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