Tuesday, January 8, 2008

He's getting better and better

Patrick felt quite comfortable this week at Hillingdon. The race was won quite early when Paul Pickup got away with a few others before anyone else had even warmed up. A lot of the riders were unaware anyone had made a break until it was much too late. Patrick had something left in his legs for the sprint but failed get the most out them due to a combination of unfortunate postioning when it mattered and fearing the all too common crash.

It certainly seems like he is getting his form back and his confidence is growing along with it. On circuits such as Hillingdon if you can keep with the bunch okay then you can snatch a placing with a good tactical ride. Of course additional fitness gives you an edge and a little leeway if you misjudge a break. I expect Pat to be edging a few points in the 2/3CAT races within a week or two.

He almost managed to avoid the lens of Dennis Sackett completely perhaps because I mentioned his waist line to him the other day. Fortunately Lycra stretches and below are some images to prove it.

Pat's always happy to suck a wheel.

Pat hits the front on the downhill section


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